Monday, February 25, 2013

Christmas and New Year ramblings. 2012/13

Have been looking through some photo's taken before I went to have the hip operation,  you might like to see what we were doing earlier this year. We had lots of fun going to the Pioneer Settlement, there was a animal nursery for kids to play with the pets, you were allowed to pick them up. Caillou loved this quinea pig.
We wandered around the grounds and played on all the old items on display, pretended to be driving glad we don't have to travel this way, love the car.
Our home doesn't have an internal toilet, one day I heard a rustle and found this skink hidding in the cool of the cement. Found the camera and managed to take a photo, at first it gave me a fright as I thought it might have been a snake. Nothing like the stumpy tail lizards, beautiful markings and very pointed features. I didn't touch it, and it went away, not to be seen since. You can see the tongue - a blue colour.
Hot weather in the Mallee, lots of fun to play under the hose,  we had this great sprinkler sent to us from the UK, when it is pushed into the ground the water pulses out of the flower centre and wobbles all around, but it is just as much fun to hold and stand under the water.
Cousins... it has been two Christmas's since they all caught up, look how we have grown up into beautiful ladies.
Found a lost kitten, fell in love with it, feed it and looked after it, now it has gone to a new home at Nagambie.
Murray Downs have a buffett Friday night, decided to take the kids and let them play at the kids entertainment, now they are ready to go home.
Last picture from Christmas and New Year, accommodation is getting crowded and out came the tent, fitted into the front of the garden, nice and close to everything.
         We come  to Nana's birthday, I was in rehabilation and some of the lovely family gave me a --cup cake party-- We had lots of fun. Very crowded in a hospital room.
Pa has gone to golf and I thought I would catch up on some of the happenings, very hot summer day would be just the thing to go to the Lake for a swim....if only ...soon I will be allowed to drive again.
Looking forward to that.
Hope all are well.
Love to you all.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Stuart Desert Pea, Preparations for cropping 2013

What excitment, my sister gave me a small seedling of a Stuart Desert Pea, a beautiful native which is also the State Emblem for South Australia, grows in all states except Victoria. I couldn't believe my eyes this week, some beautiful flowers at last. Red with a very dark boss. This is a plant I have watched and didn't think I would ever grow one. Yeh!!!! so excited.
Sheep Feed Lot, divided into four sections.
We are feeding sheep this week for a friend who is away for a few days. They have plenty of water and hay, our job is to put grain in the feeders on the ground each day. The sheep get ready looking out for you and start feeding as soon as they can when they see the ute and trailer arrive.
 Press wheels will be attached to the back of the red cultivator frame.
The latest purchase a blue Versatile tractor to pull the air seeder for cropping, Pa is making a frame and plates to attach press wheels too. The Air Seeder needs these to push the soil in contact with the grain sown making for better germination. Pa is welding in the workshop a job he really enjoys.

No rain as yet, it has been very dry for months. September last year was when we had our last good rain.
We have been spared fires here, but in the Grampians and the Great Dividing Range the fires have been going for weeks and very hard to control.
Love to you all.