While I was working away I noticed some galahs in a gum tree behind the big shed and having my camera with me decided to try a long lens photo, this is the result. The day was perfect, lovely blue sky, white clouds and hardly a breeze, the galahs didn't know I was taking a photo.
Wandering around out the back garden I came across a salt bush in flower, although very small the colour was lovely. These native plants come up so easily, spread by the birds.
Pa is still cropping, although we are not too sure if it the right thing, we are still looking up at the sky and waiting for rain, lots of it would be great. Super is being unloaded from the truck and augered up into the air seeder. I had just arrived as Pa was finishing unloading, was taking his lunch over to him. Pa is going to lower the bin. The light was terrible today, and the photo is very hard to see.
The yellow shute was covered in pea inoculant where it had spilt, such a bright colour.
Girls - I have finally taken the time to organise an area in the kitchen for the lap top, looks good. Have put the microwave up on the top shelf, and when I came in after water therapy Pa had his golf GPS charging there as well. Think Pa will love this little spot.
The weather man seems to think we will possibly get some rain this weekend, hope he is right. It has been so long since we had a decent drop of rain, had some showers but our last rain was in September 2012. Farmers are looking for feed for their animals as we have no green grass and hay will be very expensive and hard to find soon. It is so dismal looking out on the dry and parched ground.
Hopefully I will be back into my usual activities as I have finished with the therapy at the hospital and the pool, was taking up a lot of time. Walking still with a limp, the leg will get better soon.
I have had so much pleasure from the photo album ,thank you again love to see all the family photo's and remember what we have done together. Izzy and Holly you did a wonderful job organising everything, I am so proud of you both.
Love to you all.