Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Again I am potting up plants for the Hospital OP Shop Open Gardens in October. Have done about 60 at present and have another four big buckets to get to, should finish up with about 100 plants.
While I was working away I noticed some galahs in a gum tree behind the big shed and having my camera with me decided to try a long lens photo, this is the result. The day was perfect, lovely blue sky, white clouds and hardly a breeze, the galahs didn't know I was taking a photo.
Wandering around out the back garden I came across a salt bush in flower, although very small the colour was lovely. These native plants come up so easily, spread by the birds.
Pa is still cropping, although we are not too sure if it the right thing, we are still looking up at the sky and waiting for rain, lots of it would be great. Super is being unloaded from the truck and augered up into the air seeder. I had just arrived as Pa was finishing unloading, was taking his lunch over to him. Pa is going to lower the bin. The light was terrible today, and the photo is very hard to see.
The yellow shute was covered in pea inoculant where it had spilt, such a bright colour.
Girls - I have finally taken the time to organise an area in the kitchen for the lap top, looks good. Have put the microwave up on the top shelf, and when I came in after water therapy Pa had his golf GPS charging there as well. Think Pa will love this little spot.
The weather man seems to think we will possibly get some rain this weekend, hope he is right. It has been so long since we had a decent drop of rain, had some showers but our last rain was in September 2012. Farmers are looking for feed for their animals as we have no green grass and hay will be very expensive and hard to find soon. It is so dismal looking out on the dry and parched ground.
Hopefully I will be back into my usual activities as I have finished with the therapy at the hospital and the pool, was taking up a lot of time. Walking still with a limp, the leg will get better soon.
I have had so much pleasure from the photo album ,thank you again love to see all the family photo's and remember what we have done together. Izzy and Holly you did a wonderful job organising everything, I am so proud of you both.
Love to you all.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Autumn has arrived and my crepe myrtle has been covered in beautiful red leaves. The last few days have been very windy, this wind has pulled all the leaves off the tree and covered the ground with a carpet of red leaves.
WOW, what a surprise - I have received a terrific photo album in the mail from our wonderful family. The album was a Mother's Day gift, and I love it,  will cherish for years to come. It was so thoughtful of you all - Thanks so very much. I have taken some photo's of the book and hope they will be clear enough for all to see. The cover has some of the grand kids sitting in the windows of Puffing Billy and dangling their legs out, what fun that was. All the carriages were the same, children having fun..
Nana and Pa with four of the girls at Puffing Billy in the Dandenong's. They are the best family one could wish for. Number 5 had to work, we missed you all. Nana talking again!!!
Some of the pictures included in the book

Just a wonderful presentation, so many lovely memories to cherish..
The front room of our temporary OP shop. We have so much that has been donated from the people of the town. When the next move comes at the end of the year we will have to sort again as the next venue won't be as large as this house.

Found this beautiful striated pardalote out the front of our house, it had flown against the window and died. These birds are distributed almost over the whole of Australia and Tasmania. They generally feed high in the foliage of gum and wattle trees busily searching every leaf and twig for their food. Will eat, small spiders, bugs, grasshoppers, small beetles, ants, wasps, flies, native bees and any other little creepy crawlies they can find. Both male and female birds will build their nests in earthen banks or hollow trees.
Pa is on the tractor putting in some more crops, dry sowing. The promised rains still haven't arrived. June will soon be here, and the crops still won't be up and growing. One can only wait and see what nature will bring.
Congratulations to Holly for a prize at the Brookfield Show, well done.
Many thanks again to our great family for the thoughtful present, a beautiful memory photo album to cherish.
Love to you all,

Sunday, May 12, 2013


Have read this novel given as a Xmas present, loved it. This work of storyteller J.K. Rowling was about a small town. Then there is a death and this leaves an empty seat on the Parish Council. What follows is fraught with passion, duplicity and unexpected revelations as members of the town Pagford vi for the empty seat. The poor, teenagers and parents, wives and teachers and pupils all become involved in the election. What an insight into the people, I think it would be a great book for school to study.
Pa is checking on the peas that are loading into the truck.

Pa has finished emptying the truck and is now lowering the bin.
.The Murray Mallee Quilters group held a get together to make items for a stall that will be held with the Quilt Exhibition to be held in August.

The road grader has been parked out the front of the farm waiting for suitable weather to start grading the roads again. Need some rain to make the ground suitable to move.
While waiting to meet Kaye Christie  took a look around the small park at Manangatang. Kaye and Nana are off to a Quilt Exhibition at Robinswood Homestead in Robinvale. In the park there were hedges of saltbush, concrete structures decorated with stone, marbles, old taps and other found items.
Close up of the marbles, stones, insulators and taps, looks great.

The quilt with the crosses is the raffle quilt, would have loved to be the winner it is beautiful. A big effort was put into the way they had the area decorated, umbrella's back lit with lights, Balloons and a child's table and chairs with knitted dolls seated, even had a cake with 6 candles -  ladies put a big effort into making the decorations add to the exhibition.

It is Sunday evening and the rain we were hoping for hasn't arrived as yet, just a light mist to dampen the path so far.
Pa has direct drilled quite a few paddocks and it would be terrific to have a nice soaking rain to start the germination of the seed.
Would have loved to get some photo's from you of the wonderful day we had on Puffing Billy.
Went to Takara's on Monday and gave her the presents, thanks to the Aunties for the undies she loved them.
Love to all,

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Remember girls? - Photo taken by Freckleton's when visiting years ago. Many years have passed since this was taken, all of you are now Mum's with children of your own.  You will be horrified looking at the photo - where have all your years flown to!, you have achieved in so many ways. Followed up your education, travelled overseas, married and have families now, renovated homes or built new ones. So proud of you all.

Late blooms on some of the roses soon it will be winter, pruning will take place and they will have to begin flowering again. Gorgeous colour.

Roundup Shuttle, Pa is getting ready to use this spray on weeds. Who would have known that chemical would be packaged  in such large quantities, and it will be put into the spray cart without anyone having to touch the chemical.

One of my pumpkins ready to be put into the POT, a lovely hot pumpkin soup to warm up on.

Pa has pulled up to start fuelling up ready to go again.
We have two members having a birthday on the 4th MAY - Happy Birthday - have a great day. Nana and Pa hope to see you soon.
The rain seems to have forgotten us, still waiting for a break to start the crops for another year.
Hope all are well, playing sport, going to after school activities etc.
Love to everybody, especially those family members in the UK missing you all.