Saturday, June 15, 2013


We had a wonderful time at the Long Weekend in June when family visited, Pa had a birthday and the girls put a notice on the back door, decorated a chocolate cake which we ate up the paddock. Pa was busy spreading super and the girls had to be patient and wait till Pa was finished so we could have a picnic birthday party at Williams paddock.

Pa 's truck got stuck in the sand after all the rain, when Nana was going to see how things were going with pulling the bogged truck out Nana took this photo of the neighbours silo's shining in the morning sun. Used a very long lens and was surprised at the result.
The truck was stuck and had to get the Versatile tractor to pull the truck out of the wet sand.
The lovely rain we received this week has made the sand a trap for big vehicles.

Whew! out  Thank Goodness.. Just needed the help of a big tractor. Photo doesn't show the chain that was being used.

How quickly the grass grows after a good rain, green is showing everywhere and the dry sown crops are starting to 'pop' out of the soil.
That's all for this week.
Love to all.

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