Monday, March 25, 2013


                              Easter is nearly here, still no rain to get things moving on the farm.                                    Hope the easter bunny is around and leaves lots of yummy chocolates for us!!!!
I found some Allepo trees is tubes this week and have potted them on ready for planting as soon as there is enough moisture. They have made a beautiful windbreak on the west side of the house, but a few that have died, need replacing. Of course I have had to have the inspection from one of the kittens.!!!

Don't they look like they are in a mud bath! Just soaking them to expel the air in the potting mix.
I have placed them in one of the great foam boxes that are around the farm. They are great for the plants as they keep the sun from heating them up too much. Now they will have to go out into a sheltered spot waiting for the right time to plant. March is usually the best time as the soil is still warm, however the ground is bone dry this year.

The air seeder looks great with the press wheels on and ready to go. The seed box and tubes have to be attached again.

I carefully crept up around the tractor wheels and took this photo of our very camera shy dog. As soon as he see me with something that looks like it will be pointing his way he slinks off and hides. I had it on a long lens and not very clear.

Had an email from the UK and they are getting ready to pack their bags......not long now. So looking forward to seeing them all again, how the grandies will have grown, big school children now.

                                                       LOVE TO EVERYBODY.

                                                        NANA ON THE FARM.


Tuesday, March 19, 2013


The direct drill is finally starting to show how the press wheels will be added, the frames are all bolted on, next will be the addition of the wheels.

Not finished as yet, just over half of the wheels are on, starting to look good.
FINISHED at last, how good is that?? I think Pa is so clever.
Just checking!!

The weather man is forcasting a shower on Thursday, but no big rains yet. This week has cooled down, so much nicer than the very hot days of the last few weeks. Soon all will be organised ready for cropping, then before you know it summer will have arrived and we will be looking at a harvest.

I am so impressed with this letter I received, the photo isn't very clear. If you look closely you will see that there have been many ideas used in the formation of the note. Pasted cut out letters, eyes used for the word --see-- I just love it, many thanks so wonderful.
Our UK family will soon be here in Australia -- exciting-- the fun of easter, hunts for eggs, and the most important of all -----A BIRTHDAY-- , presents, cakes etc. It is going to be fun.
Bye for now.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


 The double dam paddock is having some gypsum spread on it, getting ready for cropping. At the moment it is still very dry and the temperatures have been up in the high 30's. with no rain forecast in the near future. Records are being broken for the run of hot days and nights this autumn.

Pa is off with a load of gypsum to spread.
Into the dress ups, getting all dolled up pretending they are having a wedding.

Nana, some grandies and Dad, HAT PARADE. Lots of fun was had with the hats.

Three beautiful Blondie's on the back door step, Love to dress in pretty things and put flowers in hair
Work in progress----frame is starting to take shape for the press wheels. The long steel will be added to take the wheels. Pa is very good at making machinery, loves the work, thinking out, then making the machine.

Pa has used the fork lift to raise the front of the ute.
Now the wheel is easy to change!! We have to think -------how we can do things simpler??------

A great week again on the farm, mostly getting organised for when the rains come. Then cropping will start again, each year is different, rain pattern's dictate what we do.

Thinking of  QLD grand daughter, hope the broken arm is on the mend. Thanks for the beautiful note in the mail as well, love it, lots of thought went into the presentation.

Soon the UK family will be here, hurrah.
Love to all.


Monday, March 4, 2013

BOOKS I have been reading lately

It would have been great to get into some sewing while I am waiting for my hip operation to heal, however sitting for any length of time wasn't very comfortable. Get a good book, lie down and settle in for a long read, was the next option and I have enjoyed the time.
I love watching the Wallander series on the TV. Found this book, loved the read but was so sad that this was going to be the last book in this series as they have written out the detective.

Some of these books were gifts at Xmas time to Pa and Nana. Pa usually reads the detective novels, but I picked up some and read them. Loved the "Place of Execution" by Val McDermid, couldn't see the finish coming the way it was. Liane Mortarty also was a great writer covering the -feelings of a a lost love- strange topic but an eye opener. There was plenty suspense to keep you reading, also they were quite quick to get through. Have enjoyed the journey into another world of crime and intrigue as seen through the eyes of the authors.

Back to some more books.
Love to everyone.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Looking back, Press wheels frame taking shape

"Thank You" Camel expedition 2008-2009 Caillou and Takara at the corner of the Jampot Road. Nana was looking out of the kitchen window when we noticed some camels on the side of the road. We got into the car and went to invesitgate.... we found a' Darwin to Melbourne' expedition was mid day lunch and they were resting the camels.  On their way to Shepparton finally finishing in Melbourne. The camels then were taken to Kilmore to Moira Kelly .Her foundation mission is to provide a safe haven for children irrespective of race or creed who are in need of mecidal or emotional support. We never heard how much was raised to support the Foundation. What a long walk to be undertaken, a wonderful effort.
Down Memory Lane
Photo was taken four years ago. October 2009
 Pa is making these to be put on the side of silo's...The cap can be removed and the tablets of chemical can be popped in safely without touching them, closed quickly so that you will  be safe from the fumes. This treatment of the grain is to kill any weevils that can be so destructive by boring into the wheat/barley etc and ruining everything.
                                          Close up when placed on the outer wall of the silo.
 These pieces of steel will form part of the frame to support press wheels for the direct drill.
The same steel but now coated with a black paint. Will post more photo's of the work as soon as it takes shape.
No rain as yet, however the March winds have been blowing for the past 4 days.
Happy Birthday to the Birthday girls, 20th and 28th, hope you both had a great day.
Love from